$60k in 4 weeks: Email Marketing made easy!!
Yes, you read that right. It’s not 60k in 4 months or even in 4 years, but in just four weeks! That’s because we at MarketersPep believe that achieving any target you set for your email marketing campaign is possible with the right tools and techniques. But before you Google this article to check if we are nuts or just crazy, let us explain why we think this is possible and what has led us to this conclusion. Does that sound so weird? Let us explain: Marketing has evolved by leaps and bounds over the last few years. Many brands have started exploring new ways of engaging their audiences by integrating word-of-mouth marketing and social media marketing as part of their marketing mix. The result? These innovative marketers have seen an exponential increase (sometimes even a 40x increase) in their ROI from email marketing alone.
Why is email marketing so important?
The email has been the top choice for marketers for decades for a simple reason — it works. According to a study published by the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing generates an ROI of about $38 for every dollar spent. Why does it work so well? Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that enables companies to send promotional information to their customers through email. Consumers like getting marketing emails because they are convenient and valuable. Companies also like sending emails because they are cost-effective. Why use email? Because it is easy to store and retarget customers. You can also track if they had read your email, when they opened it, and what links they clicked on. DMA also revealed that email marketing has been growing steadily ever since the early days of the internet and has remained a top choice among marketers. One in every three people would get promotional emails rather than any other marketing type. Hence, email marketing is a tried and tested method of generating new leads and engaging your existing customers. In addition, it is low in cost and requires a small investment of time and effort.
What’s the catch?
The only catch is that you have to put in the effort. The success of your email marketing campaign does not depend on what tools you use but on how you use them. And we are not saying this to make you feel better. The reason behind this is that email marketing is a numbers game. The more emails you send, the better your chances are of getting a response from at least a handful of people. The key is to get your emails in front of as many people as possible. The more emails you send out, the more people you will be able to reach and engage.
Four weeks, 60k, what?!?
Yes, that’s right — we are talking about an email marketing campaign that will set you back a mere four weeks, with a target of 60k. You may now be wondering how this is even possible, considering that in the previous section, we mentioned that it is a numbers game — and the more emails you send out, the higher the chances are of engaging your audience. Well, that’s what we are going to talk about next. It all starts with your email list. The more people from whom you have their emails, the more emails you will be able to send and the more engagement you will see. And the best way to build your email list is by setting up a lead generation form on your website. How many emails you should have on your email list is a disputed topic. Some marketers say you should have at least 500 emails on your list, while others say that even 100 emails are good enough. As far as we are concerned, the more emails you have on your list, the better. But that said, it is never too early to start working towards that goal, which brings us to our next point.
How do you pull off an email campaign in just 4 weeks?
As we mentioned earlier, the success of your email marketing campaign depends on how you use your tools and, more importantly, how you use them at scale. So how do you do that? Well, there are two ways you can go about this. The first way is by hiring an email marketing agency. An agency will help you design a personalized, targeted, and engaging campaign. Apart from that, they will also help you with setting up various email services such as MailChimp and ConvertKit. The second way is to set up the campaigns yourself. This will allow you to save money and get the campaigns set up quickly. This approach, however, requires you to have experience with email marketing and time on your hands to learn the ropes.
3 Tips to help you set up an email marketing campaign in just 4 weeks:
Here are 3 tips to help you pull off an email marketing campaign in 4 weeks: — Give your email marketing campaign start date — You cannot expect to generate leads immediately. Building your email list takes time and getting the word out about your product or service. Hence, give yourself time to plan and execute your email marketing campaign. — Focus on being engaging rather than being promotional — Engaging your audience is the first step towards converting them into leads. Once you have engaged your audience, you will have a better chance of converting them into leads. — Don’t try to do everything at once — It is important to remember that although email marketing is a numbers game, it is not a race. Therefore, it would be best to pace yourself and avoid putting too much pressure on yourself to avoid burnout. — Pat yourself on the back when you reach your target — It’s always good to celebrate your wins, no matter how small they may seem.
You should now have a good idea of why we think an email marketing campaign timed for 4 weeks can generate up to 60k worth of leads! And we hope that our tips will help you set up an email marketing campaign in just 4 weeks. Now, it is essential to remember that it will not happen overnight. You will have to put in the hard work to generate these leads. And we can almost guarantee that you will face a few roadblocks along the way. But if you put in the effort and apply these tips, you can set up an email marketing campaign in 4 weeks that will generate some serious revenue.
Originally published at https://vocal.media.
Disclaimer: This article’s content is only offered for educational reasons; it does not constitute investment advice and is simply the author’s opinion. Doing so acknowledges that the information is not intended to serve as investment advice or financial guidance. Before making any investment decisions, be sure to do your research and consult with financial professionals.