How does Pinterest Work?
A Full Understanding of How Pinterest Works!
Let's start with the basics by looking at what makes any marketing strategy and any type of business successful. And the single answer here is value. If you want to engage your audience, if you want to build customers and fans, and if you're going to engender loyalty, then you need to be offering high-quality value to achieve all those things.
You now have a complete understanding of how Pinterest works, and you're set up with an account that looks the part, which should help more people start finding the content you're creating. Now all that's left is to begin marketing.
We've looked over most of the advantages of marketing on Pinterest already, and we've seen how it lends itself well to promoting a website, blog, or business. But now, it's time to move away from the hypothetical and start creating a business model that works.
That means, in other words, that you need to give people a concrete reason to want to spend time engaging with your brand. The mistake that many companies and marketers make on social media is to try and use it as a platform for promoting a product. Instead, they want to get direct sales immediately, and they're trying to reach a broader audience through social media.
You'll see this when you follow a company on Twitter that does nothing but talk about its products or services:
"Try out our latest products today!"
"Want to save time in the office? Our productivity tools are just for you!"
"Hurry while stocks last!"
Get FREE traffic to any offer in any niche while building their following on various platforms
The equivalent on Pinterest is to post images from articles with no rhyme or reason or post pictures of the same product repeatedly, hoping someone will notice it. Unfortunately, this is an entirely wrong approach, and social media doesn't lend itself to that kind of promotion. Why? Because you need people to want to follow you on social media.
So would you follow a social media profile that only ever tried to sell its products to you? Or would you quickly get bored and unsubscribe? Instead, you need to think like the top brands on Pinterest and offer the kind of service people are looking for on the platform: inspiration, ideas, and lifehacks.
The ideal type of company for Pinterest is a company that sells wedding decorations or perhaps that prints wedding invitations. You can then create a Pinterest board that will share wedding decorations images involving your products and using other products.
Make sure that the ideas are unique and exciting, provide style and elegance on a budget, and offer ideas that your followers might not have come up with themselves. This way, you give them a reason to follow you — because they're learning!
Likewise, you might create a Pinterest board about 'Battlestations' if you sell computer parts. Battlestations are PC set-ups for gamers designed to look excellent with lots of glowing features and large dual monitor set-ups. Sell cupboards? Then you could create a board about organizational life hacks. Sell cooking ingredients? Then share pins of great meals and desserts and discuss the elements and the procedure in the comments underneath.
In any of these cases, you're giving people a reason to follow you on Pinterest because you're offering value in ideas, inspiration, or aesthetic beauty. If you're selling a physical product and especially something that looks beautiful or has a 'chic' appeal, you'll find that Pinterest is the perfect fit for your business.
But what if you sell insurance? What if you sell eBooks about making money through day trading?
What if your niche isn't something that appeals to hipsters? How do you make this work on Pinterest? You need to go a little deeper and think about 'lifestyle' and 'value proposition.' In terms of lifestyle, it's pertinent to consider that every product or service you sell will ultimately support some lifestyle and appeal to a specific type of person.
Fitness eBooks, for instance, appeal to people who like working out and who want to be in better shape. The 'fitness lifestyle' is an inspiring visual concept that you can portray with pictures of people jogging on the beach listening to an MP3 player or images of people working outdoors. Likewise, if you sell holiday insurance, the lifestyle is the 'traveling' lifestyle.
You can post images of beautiful foreign destinations or have boards outlining things to do in particular places. 'Value proposition,' meanwhile, refers to the value that your product or service offers beyond the sum of its parts. For example, the old saying goes that you 'don't sell hats, you sell warm heads. That means that the actual value of the cap is in its ability to keep your head warm.
So if you can't post pictures of your hat, you can always post pictures of your 'warm head.' So what is the value proposition of life insurance? Simple: it's keeping your family happy and safe after you're gone, and it's looking after finances. As such, then, your board doesn't need to include images of life insurance policies (the hat) but instead should consist of pictures of happy families enjoying days out together and doing fun things (the warm head).
Your board could be designed to give people that 'warm fuzzy feeling' by showing people having a great time, or it could be used to provide tips and ideas: how about ideas for things for people to do together as a family on a budget. Maybe it could be filled with pictures that humorously satirize the nature of the modern family?
Likewise, if your blog is about SEO and digital marketing, your value proposition is business success, wealth, and the feeling of accomplishment from making it big online. Perhaps it's also the freedom you gain when working for yourself and in an office with a boss leaning over your shoulder. To demonstrate this on a Pinterest board, you could show images of people working in exciting locations like huge libraries or on the beach in a hammock.
Likewise, you could show people in suits looking successful and well-dressed thanks to the money they managed to earn online. The key here is to develop themes for your boards that deliver real value and purpose for Pinterest users while remaining on the topic.
Don't just randomly repin pictures that vaguely relate, don't just promote your products, and don't just post your articles randomly. Suppose you do that, you won't be providing value, and you won't grow your viewership. So instead, think of your Pinterest profile almost like a service or product.
The ideal scenario is that people will look forward to checking out your pins or that they may even become reliant on your boards. But, on the other hand, they should be disappointed if ever your board gets taken down, and the board should almost be able to exist on its own, as a separate entity from your business.
How to Create a Successful Pinterest Strategy That Works For You
Creating a successful Pinterest strategy that works for you requires time, effort, and dedication. If you are unwilling to invest the necessary time and effort into creating a strong Pinterest strategy, it's probably best not to even start one. However, if you are ready to take the plunge and build a strong Pinterest presence that works for you as an individual or business, then keep reading for some excellent tips on how to do so. This article will provide you with everything you need to know about successful Pinterest strategies and why it's essential for your business. Furthermore, we dive into step-by-step instructions on creating your own successful Pinterest strategy that works for you.
What is a Successful Pinterest Strategy?
Before we dive in, let's first figure out a successful Pinterest strategy. A successful Pinterest strategy is when you regularly post content that gets consistent engagement, likes, repins, and comments. You will have created a strong presence on Pinterest, and people will be actively repinning, liking, commenting on, and sharing your content. You will have created a strategy that works best for you and your specific business needs. Another way to define a successful Pinterest strategy is when it directly correlates with your business goals and when it brings in more sales. When your Pinterest strategy creates a significant amount of new leads and sales, you know that you have a successful Pinterest strategy.
Why Is It Important To Have a Strong Pinterest Strategy?
Pinterest is a unique social media platform that does not require any initial investment, unlike other social media platforms. You don't need to pay for likes, shares, or followers, and you don't need an expensive website. All you need is a computer or mobile device and the internet. And with these two things, you can create a successful Pinterest strategy that works for you. What makes Pinterest even more impressive is that it's also one of the most highly searched and visited websites. It has over 500 million monthly users actively looking for content, products, and services. And if your business isn't on Pinterest yet, you are missing out on all of these potential customers. With a strong Pinterest strategy in place, you can reach out to all of these people and turn them into leads, customers, and sales. As a result, you can create new revenue streams, target customers you wouldn't otherwise have access to, and grow your business.
Create Your Own Pinning Calendar
The first thing you need to do when creating your successful Pinterest strategy is to create your pinning calendar. You must stick to a consistent posting schedule when making your Pinterest strategy. Choose a few days of the week when you post, and then schedule them on your calendar. Doing this ensures that you are posting consistently and not overdoing it. You don't want to post too often because you will get unfollowed, and soon enough, you will get unfollowed. However, at the same time, you don't want to be posting too rarely, or people won't see your content, and you won't be able to build up a strong following. So be sure to find a happy medium where you post enough but not too often.
Find and Research Keywords
Another important step when creating your successful Pinterest strategy is finding and researching keywords that people would be searching for if they wanted to buy your product or service. You want to find keywords with high search volume, low competition, and increased commercial intent. High search volume means that many people are searching for that specific keyword. Intense competition means not many people use that keyword in their content. Finally, high commercial intent implies that people are actively looking to buy something. Now, you don't want to stop there and start posting a bunch of random keywords. You want to make sure that everything you post relates to your business somehow. Find your primary keywords and use them in your Pinterest bio, board names, and pin descriptions.
Join Discussions in Your Industry
Another way to create a successful Pinterest strategy is to look for and join discussions in your industry. Make sure you are joining relevant groups and meetings in your industry where you can contribute high-quality content and comments. Posting in these forums will help you get your name out there, and it will help you establish yourself as an industry leader. You can also use these forums to give back to the industry and help others succeed. It's a great way to support others in your industry, and in return, they will be more likely to keep you by repinning your content. You can find a lot of these discussions and groups on websites like Pinterest, Facebook groups, and even Reddit.
Write Down Your Marketing Goals
Another critical aspect of creating a successful Pinterest strategy is to write down your marketing goals. First, you need to know why you are using Pinterest in the first place. What are your business goals? What are your marketing goals? What do you want to achieve with Pinterest? You can use these goals as a guiding force when creating your marketing strategy. This will help you focus on what you need to do and what you need to improve on. It will help you focus and not get distracted by other things. These goals will also help you stay accountable for your actions and will help you stay on the right track. You want to make sure that everything you are doing is for the greater good of your marketing strategy.
Create a Solid Content Marketing Strategy
Now that you have created your successful Pinterest strategy, it's time to make a solid content marketing strategy. A content marketing strategy is when you consistently and regularly create new, fresh content for your audience. A successful content marketing strategy will help your audience trust you more, stay longer, and return for more. It is also one of the best ways to generate leads. There are a few different ways to approach your content marketing strategy. You can do a mix of visual and text posts. You can post a mixture of evergreen and timely posts. What type of content strategy works best for you is up to you. However, at the same time, you want to make sure that your content has a strong call to action at the end of it. You want to make sure that you're using your content to generate leads and ultimately help you achieve your business goals.
As a Final Tip
Last but not least, remember always to be consistent with your posting. Consistency is key with any social media platform, especially Pinterest. The more consistent you are with your posting, the more likely you'll get followed, repins, and likes. It's a numbers game, and the more you post, the more likely you'll get noticed. Don't also forget to include Pinterest in your social media strategy. It's a great way to get your name out there and connect with your audience. Your followers will help you grow your following, and you'll see a significant increase in your sales. Creating a successful Pinterest strategy that works for you requires time, effort, and dedication. If you are unwilling to invest the necessary time and effort into creating a strong Pinterest presence, it's probably best not to even start one however, if you are ready to take the plunge and do so, doingding for some excellent tips.
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